
the product suite


Silent SHARD

End-to-End MPC as a Service

Silent Shard is an MPC-based TSS complemented by cyber-physical proofs for much usable, secure, and truly decentralised support for digital wallets, exchanges and institutional asset enterprises.

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Silent Compute

Harness the full potential of data without compromising privacy.

Move the inference instead of the data.

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WRAPPER | Product

Silent Shard Snap

Enable 2FA on your MetaMask Wallet

The Silent Shard Snap is an extension for your MetaMask browser extension to help you create a Distributed Self Custodial Wallet within MetaMask leveraging our seamless, secure and blazing fast MPC technology: Silent Shard.Now with just your browser and phone, you can approve transactions super securely and yet, with utmost ease!

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Multimodal Proofs

Rich set of proofs to strengthen trust in the system

Our Proof Libraries complement contemporary state of art MFAs being provided by IAMs.

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Silent Network

Spin up an MPC network in minutes!

Leverage the power of delegated distributed custody with an MPC network

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